Lighthouse Trail

Lighthouse Trail

The Association is promoting the value of a trail connecting the Lynn Valley Trail to the Port Dover lighthouse in its submissions to Norfolk County’s Port Dover Secondary Plan review. The Association is also encouraging developers to incorporate a waterfront trail accessible to the public in their plans.

Residential development along the Lynn River and the Silver Lake Revitalization Project are providing opportunities to create a waterfront trail that links the Port Dover harbour lighthouse to the Lynn Valley Trail in Silver Lake Park. Segments of the “Lighthouse Trail” already exist in the harbour – at Riverfront Park and the pier. These segments will be linked when construction is completed along the shoreline at the Dover Wharf condominiums. Further north, the developer of the former Gamble Shipyard property has expressed support for a trail along the Lynn River shoreline. The trail could be connected to the Lynn Valley Trail from Misner Dam via a route on “in-filled land” along the Silver Lake shoreline or through the neighbourhood.

The Association is seeking a group of volunteers that would form under the umbrella of the Association to lead the Lighthouse Trail project in cooperation with property owners and local government.

To become involved, please contact us.

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