The Project Steering Committee will review the Project Phase definitions and key deliverables before the beginning of each Phase. The PDWPA President will recommend any proposed changes to the PDWPA Board of Directors for approval.
Phase 1 – Commenced
The key deliverables for Phase 1 include:
- COMPLETE: Establish the Governance Model for Phase 1 including Steering Committee membership, purpose and administration;
- COMPLETE: Raise the required funds to contract professional services to complete an Environmental Impact Study Terms of Reference, Approvals Roadmap and website;
- COMPLETE: Select and contract the professional firms to complete the studies and website;
- COMPLETE: Develop a website to profile the PDWPA and the Project that can be updated as the Project progresses;
- COMMENCED: Complete the Environmental Impact Study Terms of Reference and Approvals Roadmap in consultation with the regulatory agencies;
- Recommend the Project Phase 2 Definition, key deliverables and Governance Model;
- Recommend a fundraising strategy and plan for Phase 2;
Phase 2
Completion of all studies identified as required in Phase 1 including the preparation of proposed design alternatives for the revitalization of Silver Lake and wetland.
Estimated Duration: Up to three years
Phase 3
Consultation with the community and professionals to finalize a design for the revitalization of Silver Lake and wetland.
Estimated Duration: Six months
Phase 4
Complete the approved design for Silver Lake and wetland in Phases as funds and resources allow.
Estimated Duration: Unable to determine until Phase 2 completed
Final Phase
Documenting stewardship of Silver Lake and the wetlands.
Estimated Duration: Unable to determine until Phase 4 completed