Waterfront Development Oversight

Waterfront Development Oversight

The Port Dover Waterfront Preservation Association recognizes that appropriate development of our waterfront can only be achieved if all stakeholders work together in an open, transparent fashion in accordance with the goals expressed in Norfolk County’s Official Plan.

Faced with increasing development activity along the waterfront and Norfolk County’s effort to prepare a Port Dover Secondary Plan, the Association established a Waterfront Development Oversight Committee in 2019. The Committee’s purpose is to monitor the development and use of the Port Dover waterfront and recommend appropriate action that will enhance the public’s visual and physical access to our waterfront which is defined as including:

  • Port Dover’s Lake Erie shoreline
  • the Lynn River north from the Port Dover Harbour to Misner Dam
  • Silver Lake north to Ivey’s Dam and
  • Black Creek northeast to the Long Point Region Conservation Area

Recently, the Association participated in the review process related to the Misner Landing and Gamble Shipyard development applications. The Association has also made submissions to Norfolk County’s Port Dover Secondary Plan Review Committee and met with consultants as well as Norfolk County Staff regarding our concerns and recommendations. There will be a continuing need to monitor and provide input to development along our waterfront.

To become involved, please contact us.

© 2025 Port Dover Waterfront Preservation Association (PDWPA)
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